If you find yourself feeling lethargic, you are not alone. If this is a chronic problem for you, we recommend talking with your healthcare provider about potential underlying causes. However, there may be a few at-home remedies that you can try to get a little boost of energy! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville gives a few helpful hints. What Are Some Ways to Get an Energy Boost? Read on →

As our schedules change, it can be difficult to carry on with the healthy habits from the fall. The hustle and bustle of the holidays can make it challenging to eat nourishing meals, work out regularly and even fight off illnesses. It is even more important to keep your body and immune system functioning properly this year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville provides some helpful tips for staying healthy this holiday season! Read on →

Wearing a mask is a new reality for almost all of us. With the coronavirus here to stay indefinitely, masking up is an important step that we can all take to help slow the spread of the virus. While it may not feel like you’re doing much when you’re wearing one in public, you actually are, and our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville explains why below. How Do Masks Work? Read on →

Having plants in your home is a pleasure. They look great and enhance the coziness of every space that they’re in. But did you know? Having plants in your home actually offers some health benefits as well! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville explains what those are. Should I Have Plants Inside? Absolutely. Not only do houseplants look great, but lots of studies have shown that having plants in your indoor space can boost your mood, too. Read on →

If you don’t suffer mightily from fall allergies, then absolutely! Being out in nature offers so many mental and health benefits, and there are so many beautiful places in our area to enjoy either by yourself, with friends or with your family. Read on as AFC Urgent Care Sevierville gives you the scoop. How Does Being in Nature Benefit My Health? Being in nature, or even having plants inside your home or in your office, is proven to boost your mood and energy and reduce negative feelings like anger, stress, fear or anxiety. Read on →

Did you know that around 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? That sounds like a shocking statistic, but it’s easier to not drink enough water than you might think! We’ve all probably heard that drinking lots of water is one of the best things you can do for your health, but how do you know if you’re having enough? AFC Urgent Care Sevierville is here to provide some answers. Read on →

Did you know? More than 10% of people in the U.S. have Type 2 diabetes, a disease that prevents your body from using insulin properly to control blood sugar. Diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, vision loss, kidney disease and nerve damage. Perhaps most frightening, as many as 7.3 million U.S. adults have the condition but don’t know they have it. Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent or delay diabetes. Read on →

It’s hard to believe, but the flu season is quickly approaching! While we’re in the last days of summer, fall will be here soon. Wondering when you should get a flu shot, or why you need one? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville is here to shed some light on the topic. Do I Really Need a Flu Shot Every Year? Yes! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that nearly everyone age 6 months and older get vaccinated against the flu each year. Read on →

Most of us have been told that sitting up straight is a good habit to develop, but have you ever thought about why? It is true that sitting and standing with correct posture can change people’s perception of you, but it can also do wonders for your overall health. At AFC Urgent Care Sevierville, we are all about finding healthy solutions to everyday problems—including poor posture. Read on to discover some of the benefits you can get by sitting up straight! Read on →

While it might seem like summer is nearly over since school is about to resume, the hot days of summer are far from over! In fact, summer technically lasts until September 22, and our heat is likely to stick around even longer than that. So, when you head outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and our gorgeous Smoky Mountains, be sure you’re taking precautions to protect yourself from the heat. Read on →