The holiday season is a special time of year in the Smokies, and we are so grateful to live and work here, especially now! While we all make plans to visit family and attend social gatherings, staying healthy becomes even more important so you don’t miss out on all the fun to be had. Infections can pop up seemingly out of nowhere and impact not only you but your entire family in just a few days. Read on →

It’s that time of year again when your friendly AFC team refreshes your memory about RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus. This pesky illness is not only a nuisance in our community, but it can also be dangerous or even deadly for your newborns and infants. Our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team understands the risks associated with RSV, so we explain more below about this particular virus and what to watch for in terms of symptom progression. Read on →

This season is a hard time for parents as the flu, colds, RSV and COVID-19 are circulating all around us. No parent wants to be woken up to the dreaded phrase of “I don’t feel good,” knowing what is to come for the morning and days after. The flu season is fast-approaching, and doing what you can now to help keep your kids healthy is crucial for all parents. The flu shot can be a great tool in this venture! Read on →

There are so many different illnesses out there that can make you feel really sick. While a mild cold may just be a minor nuisance, certain infections like the flu or COVID-19 can knock you down for a few days or even become dangerous. When you start to experience any sort of symptoms of illness, it can be frustrating or even a bit scary in the beginning. We can thank the pandemic for that! Read on →

COVID-19 cases have ebbed and flowed over the years, and while we enjoyed a relatively quiet spring and summer, cases are starting to rise again across the country and around eastern Tennessee. While that shouldn’t cause you to panic, it is time to refresh your memory about COVID-19 and the different symptoms to watch for. Our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team explains all about COVID-19 below so you can start preparing for the fall and winter seasons ahead. Read on →

We are so blessed to be able to celebrate each birthday and each milestone in our lives. Getting older is a privilege, but sometimes it can make certain things more challenging and can change our relationship with our own bodies. One of these changes is our sense of balance, and that can be negatively impacted with age and loss of muscle mass, among other factors. Falling at home can lead to serious injuries like broken bones or severe head injuries. Read on →

If you have been smoking for a long time, you know how addictive it is. You may have even tried to quit a few times but struggled to follow through. We know how hard it is, and we empathize with you! We also know how beneficial it will be to your body to finally give up the habit for good. Smoking negatively affects your entire body and increases your risk of serious health issues and diseases. Read on →

There are many viruses and bacteria strains out there that have the potential to get you sick, and there are many more ways for you to just be feeling unwell. Our bodies are incredibly complex, so any sort of deviation from the norm can cause us to feel less than our best. That’s where we come in! We can dig deeper into your symptoms to help provide you with the most accurate diagnosis possible. Read on →

One of the amazing things about living in the South is the beautiful weather and sunny days that we get to enjoy during the summer. While you are out and about exploring, hiking or just playing with your kids outside, though, you are bound to come into contact with at least a few bugs this year. Many bugs and other creepy-crawlies are more of an annoyance than a real danger to you, but some can cause some unpleasant symptoms if they bite or sting you. Read on →

Feeling sick or uncomfortable is always frustrating, but especially if you are starting to have symptoms of an STD. Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most common illnesses across the country, affecting one in every five people in a given year. STDs can be passed from person to person quickly because some of them don’t cause symptoms. If you are sexually active, getting tested for STDs is something that you should be doing regularly, especially if you are changing partners. Read on →