If you have recently noticed an increase in wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing after exercise or exertion, there is a chance that you have developed asthma! Did you know that some adults can actually develop asthma later in life even if they didn’t have it as children? It’s not uncommon to have individuals in their 50s or 60s get an asthma diagnosis after living the majority of their lives without it. Read on →

Stay active and participating in their favorite sports is great for kids’ bodies and minds. However, whether they are participating in a structured activity or just playing ball outside, there is always a risk that they could get hurt. Would you know how to help your child if he or she came to you complaining of an injury? We deal with sports-related injuries quite often at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville, so we can offer some great advice on how to help your children below. Read on →

There are actually many different types of bone fractures. It’s true that some are more serious than others, but no matter the type, fractures are no fun to experience. More likely than not, they’re caused by acute physical trauma and pain, although they can be caused over time by overuse and too much pressure on a certain limb. Read on to learn more about fractures from our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team! Read on →

Although ventricular tachycardia only affects 4% of the U.S. population annually, it’s something of which to take note. Its symptoms mirror anxiety symptoms in some cases, but they’re clearly two different things. This heart issue can cause serious complications at times, and our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team provides more helpful information about it below. Keep reading! What Is Ventricular Tachycardia? Ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurs when the ventricles, the heart’s lower two chambers, beat too quickly, exceeding 100 beats per minute while at rest. Read on →

Although it’s not the most well-known condition, mesenteric adenitis is relatively common among children and young teens. It’s often mistaken for appendicitis, but it’s much less severe. Read on to learn more about it and its common causes from our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team. What Is Mesenteric Adenitis? Mesenteric adenitis (also known as mesenteric lymphadenitis) is the swelling of the lymph nodes in the mesentery, which attaches the intestines to the abdominal wall. Read on →

When you get bitten by a mosquito or any type of bug, the last thing you want to happen other than an allergic reaction is for the bite to get infected. However, this tends to happen to a lot of people, since it can be really hard to refrain from scratching an itchy bite or sting. Read on to learn more about bug bites and stings from our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team! Read on →

If they run in the family, a person’s kidney stone risk will be higher than normal. However, this doesn’t mean that taking steps to prevent kidney stones and other urinary issues will be for nothing! Read on to learn more about kidney stones and what you can do to prevent them from our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team. What Are Kidney Stones? Kidney stones are hard deposits made up of substances that have crystallized in the urinary system. Read on →

Allergies are extremely common right now. Millions of Americans suffer from the sneezes and sniffles during this time of year, but how can everyone be sure that allergies are, indeed, what they’re experiencing? Couldn’t the symptoms be a sign of a common cold, too? Our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team offers some helpful answers to these questions below, so keep reading! How Are Cold Symptoms Different Than Allergies? While the symptoms of seasonal allergies and the symptoms of a regular cold are similar in many respects, there are a few differences. Read on →

Bruising happens to everyone. Sometimes, you inadvertently run into a door that you’ve avoided a thousand times before and wake up with a black-ish, blue-ish bruise in the morning. Other times, though, you wake up with a bruise that you aren’t sure how you acquired. There are several explanations as to why this happens, and our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team explains why below. What Is a Bruise? Before learning what may cause frequent bruising, it’s important to know what a bruise actually is first—it’s a mark on the skin caused by blood trapped under the surface. Read on →

All gastrointestinal (GI) diseases should be taken seriously, but not all of them are life-threatening or cause for hugely serious concern. GI diseases are very common, as between 60 and 70 million Americans deal with them every year. Our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team provides other helpful information about GI disorders and diseases below, so keep reading to learn more! How Serious Are GI Diseases? It really depends on the type of disease you are dealing with and the types of symptoms you are experiencing. Read on →