Stress can happen on any day at any moment. You get in a fight with a loved one. You have additional work placed on you at your job. An unexpected medical issues arises. It can happen at any time. Fortunately, there are ways you can better handle stress so that it doesn’t have a negative impact on your health. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville is here to offer some stress management techniques so that you can get control of your stress before it gets control of you! Read on →

Did you resolve to eat better in 2019? How’s that resolution going? Most people want to eat healthier, but when it comes down to it, don’t really know what’s involved in eating healthy. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to offer some perspective. How Can I Start Changing My Eating Habits? Start small. Consider an area where you can make an easy change. For example, do you regularly drink your calories with sugar-laden beverages? Read on →

When you are not feeling well, all you want to do is feel as good as new as soon as possible. You might think that an antibiotic can help you do just that. But an antibiotic isn’t always the solution. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team takes a look at the issue. Can I Take an Antibiotic for an Infection? That depends on the type of illness you have. Read on →

Your young athlete already had his or her annual wellness exam for the year, so a sports physical for spring season isn’t needed, right? Wrong! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants you to know that there is a difference between an annual wellness exam and a sports physical so that you understand clearly why both are still needed. Why Is a Sports Physical Important? Before your young athlete hits the field, it is important to make sure he or she is in the best shape possible to handle the season ahead! Read on →

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. While some risk factors for heart disease cannot be changed, such as age and family history, there are some things you can do to help lower your risk. During American Heart Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to help you understand how important a role exercise plays in living a heart-healthy life. Read on →

As soon as anyone hears about the first few cases of flu, it is off to the store to stock up on Lysol, elderberry and every other No Flu Allowed item you can think of to prevent the flu from entering your home. However, no matter how hard we try to prevent the illness, it sometimes sneaks by anyhow. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to talk through some basic facts about a specific type of the flu. Read on →

The winter season is the most wonderful time of the year for the snow to fall, the cool air to set in…and respiratory infections to be more common? It’s true, although unpleasant. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants you to learn more about the medical condition that seems to hit our work, schools and homes during the winter season. What Is a Respiratory Infection? A respiratory infection is a viral infection affecting your nose, throat and airways. Read on →

Have you ever woken up in the morning with a sore throat, and you have no idea where it came from? This happens more often than you might like to admit, especially with the everyday weather changes that seem to happen in Tennessee. One minute it is raining and the next minute the sun is shining from a bright blue sky. However, a sore throat can be more than just a weather-change symptom. Read on →

Hello, Old Man Winter. Hello, seasonal allergies!? According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, approximately 50 million people living in the United States are diagnosed with allergies every year. Could your recent cough be a sign of your seasonal allergies flaring up again? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville takes a look at the issue. Is My Cough a Sign of Allergies? When have allergies, you can experience many symptoms, such as a dry cough. Read on →

Doesn’t your stuffy nose know you have a holiday calendar to tend to? Unfortunately, no. But our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville doesn’t want you suffering a stuffy nose when you have plans for the holiday season. That’s why we’re sharing insight to help you find relief from nasal congestion and other sinus infection symptoms as soon as possible. Do I Have a Sinus Infection? It can be hard to tell the difference between a cold and a sinus infection, especially since the symptoms can be so similar. Read on →