Will Enjoying the Fall Weather Be Beneficial for My Health?

If you don’t suffer mightily from fall allergies, then absolutely!

Being out in nature offers so many mental and health benefits, and there are so many beautiful places in our area to enjoy either by yourself, with friends or with your family. Read on as AFC Urgent Care Sevierville gives you the scoop.

How Does Being in Nature Benefit My Health?

Being in nature, or even having plants inside your home or in your office, is proven to boost your mood and energy and reduce negative feelings like anger, stress, fear or anxiety.

Being outdoors usually brings along an element of exercise, and getting sufficient exercise contributes to your physical well-being as it can reduce blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and the production of stress hormones.

Easy Ways to Enjoy Nature

  • Take your pet for a walk.
  • Go on a hike with the family.
  • Go for a light jog.
  • Drive around town with your windows down.

Are the Outdoors More Beneficial for My Mental or Physical Health?

It’s hard to give a definitive answer to that question as it depends on the person. However, in an increasingly digital and screen-related age, nature offers tangible and sensory stimulation that is extremely beneficial.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the stress that this year has brought for many of us, it’s easy to find solace and breath in nature. If you are feeling overwhelmed at the news or what you’re seeing on a screen, try going for a walk or taking a light jog through the woods. Your body will physically and mentally feel better.

Places in East TN to Enjoy The Outdoors

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  • The Obed Wild and Scenic River
  • Anywhere outside your door!

We hope you’re feeling good enough to enjoy what nature has to offer! If you’re in need of a checkup or any medical attention, visit AFC Urgent Care Sevierville today.