Why Is Smoking So Addictive?

If you have been smoking for a long time, you know how addictive it is. You may have even tried to quit a few times but struggled to follow through. We know how hard it is, and we empathize with you!

We also know how beneficial it will be to your body to finally give up the habit for good. Smoking negatively affects your entire body and increases your risk of serious health issues and diseases.

Our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team is here for you, and we offer some helpful information and tips below on how to quit smoking.

What Is So Addictive About Smoking?

There are many thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke, and none of them are part of a healthy lifestyle. One of the chemicals in tobacco smoke is nicotine, which is highly addictive. This chemical triggers a release of dopamine in your brain, which helps you feel relaxed, happy and satisfied. If you have been smoking for a while, your body is used to this constant feeling and will crave it more and more.

That’s the reason why you get those sudden urges throughout the day! Your body is craving that dopamine release, and those cravings can be really intense when they hit. If you are in the beginning of your quitting journey, pick a really fun or enjoyable activity to help you fight those initial urges. After five to 10 minutes of distracting your brain, the craving will fade a bit and you can manage it better.

Top Diseases Associated With Smoking

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Emphysema

Can I Quit Smoking for Good?

Yes, you can. It just takes some willpower and determination to change your life. Seriously, quitting smoking will change your life! When you quit, your lungs will start to clear, your senses will return to their normal function and your physical appearance will start to improve. Clearer skin, whiter teeth and a reduced risk for all of the above disease awaits you!

You will have to find what works for you and stick to it. Finding a new hobby that you are passionate about, swapping your smoking time with nicotine gum or patches and even avoiding triggering situations like bars or parties for the time being can all work together to help you finally give up the habit for good.

Health Benefits to Look Forward To

  • Stronger, less damaged lungs
  • Reduced risk for cancer and other diseases
  • Improved physical appearance and senses
  • Healthier lungs for your entire family

We are always here for you. Stop by AFC Urgent Care Sevierville any day of the week.