Why Is It Good to Have Telemedicine as an Option?

Just because the world is at a standstill to help flatten the curve, it doesn’t mean that regular everyday illnesses and injuries still won’t crop up.

Fortunately, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville has the ability to care for you and your non-emergency medical needs while you remain in the comfort of your own home. Let’s take a look at how AFC TeleCare is opening the doors to caring for patients while still practicing social distancing.

What Exactly Is Telemedicine?

The concept of telemedicine is simple—patients and physicians are able to communicate via technology so that each is able to remain safe and secure in separate locations. This communication happens in real-time, which helps patients to get the care they need when they need it.

While emergency medical symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain cannot be treated via telemedicine, many everyday illnesses and injuries can be.

Conditions Telemedicine Can Treat

  • Allergies
  • Arthritic pain
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Colds
  • Diarrhea
  • Infections
  • Insect bites
  • Sore throat
  • Pinkeye
  • Rashes
  • Sinus infection

How Does AFC TeleCare Work?

If you are experiencing a non-emergency medical issue, visit our website to schedule an AFC TeleCare appointment. At the designated time, you will video conference with a medical provider in real-time, allowing him or her to review your symptoms and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.

This allows you to receive the care you need without even leaving the comfort of your own home.

Advantages of Using AFC TeleCare

  • No transportation time or costs
  • No need to take time off of work
  • No child or elder care issues
  • On-demand options
  • No time spent in waiting room
  • Reduced risk of catching another illness

Feeling under the weather? Schedule an AFC TeleCare appointment with AFC Urgent Care Sevierville today.