Why AFC?

AFC Urgent Care / Family Care is proud to offer industry-leading, customer-loved urgent care for your entire family. With the opening of our new Sevierville location, we’re proud to be serving this community and caring for you and your neighbors.

So, why should you choose AFC Urgent Care / Family Care for your healthcare needs?

Well, the answer is simple: AFC provides urgent care at the speed of your life. At AFC, our team of board-certified physicians and expert urgent care providers work hard every day to ensure that your visit is affordable and practical.

Not only is our staff comprised of some of the best physicians in the region, but as an urgent care center, we are able to keep our overhead costs low, meaning a more affordable visit for you and your family. We also accept most major insurance plans!

So, next time you have a health situation that needs addressed, or if you simply want to receive a vaccination or undergo a sports physical, come on down to AFC Urgent Care / Family Care.

Not only will you be avoiding the long lines and stressful atmosphere of the emergency room, but you’ll also know that you will be treated with the utmost respect, care and dedication.

Want to learn more about AFC Urgent Care / Family Care? Come visit us soon at our Sevierville location!