What Can Cause Sudden Asthma in Adults?

If you have recently noticed an increase in wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing after exercise or exertion, there is a chance that you have developed asthma! Did you know that some adults can actually develop asthma later in life even if they didn’t have it as children?

It’s not uncommon to have individuals in their 50s or 60s get an asthma diagnosis after living the majority of their lives without it. Typically, a predisposition or chronic exposure to a hazard can trigger the symptoms.

If you are concerned that your recent symptoms indicate asthma, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville can help you understand it more below.

Is Adult-Onset Asthma Different Than Childhood Asthma?

Childhood asthma and adult asthma essentially have the same symptoms, but with one important distinction. Childhood asthma symptoms are more intermittent and triggered by specific situations, whereas adult asthma symptoms are more persistent and continual. It is often misdiagnosed as well, which can make it more dangerous if you develop it later in life.

There are some definite risk factors that can make you more susceptible to developing asthma as an adult. However, just because you fit into one of the categories below doesn’t guarantee you will get it either.

Triggers for Adult-Onset Asthma

  • Continued exposure to hazards at work
  • Pregnancy or menopause (change in hormones can make it present)
  • Persistent colds or flus, usually in immunocompromised people

What Can I Do to Avoid Adult Asthma?

Take care of yourself the best you can! Eat well, exercise regularly and avoid chronic exposure to certain work hazards like unclean air or smoke. Get outside and into the fresh air as often as you can (while respecting any high pollen count days)!

If you do end up developing asthma as an adult, it’s not the end of the world. You just have to give yourself adequate rest after activities and know your limits.

Tips for Asthma Management

  • Receive physicals regularly.
  • Never leave home without your inhaler.
  • Rest when needed.
  • Start any new exercise regimen slowly.

Your asthma shouldn’t define you! If you have questions about your diagnosis, come see us AFC Urgent Care Sevierville.