What Can a Flu Shot Do for Me?

The cold and flu season is unwelcome for parents and kids alike! No one wants to get sick, especially as the holidays loom closer.

That is why we recommend that everyone get their yearly flu shot as soon as possible, if you haven’t already. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville explains the importance of an annual flu shot below.

Is the Flu Shot the Same Every Year?

Viruses are evolving and changing all of the time. Because of this, the flu shot is adjusted every year to provide the best defense against the most active strains of the influenza virus. That is why it is important to get vaccinated every year!

Chances are that you are not immune to the current strain, so you could wind up getting really sick this year. Who has time for that?

Benefits of This Year’s Flu Shot

  • It reduces your risk of death due to the flu.
  • It can reduce the number of days you are sick if you do get the flu.
  • The shot changes each year to tailor to the most common strain.
  • The shot helps with herd immunity.

How Sick Could I Get Without the Flu Shot?

There is no way of knowing if you will experience mild symptoms or suffer through a severe infection and complications. In some cases, the flu can trigger an extreme inflammatory response in your heart, brain or muscle tissue. That can lead to multi-organ failure or sepsis and an extensive hospital stay.

While this may not happen to you, it could certainly happen to a family member or loved one! Getting vaccinated helps protect them as well by reducing the risk of spreading the virus to them. Do your part in keeping yourself and your family safe this season.

General Health Tips for the Season

  • Get your annual flu shot.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid others if they are sick.
  • Eat well and drink lots of water.
  • Get adequate sleep.

It’s not too late to get your flu shot this year! Come see us today at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville.