No Games—Just Sports! | Gatlinburg, TN Walk-In Clinic

Our team at AFC Urgent Sevierville wants to know who is ready for those Friday night football games? If you’re shouting, “Me!” from the stands, you’re not alone. However, while we all have a competitive nature, it’s important to remember that no matter what team we are on—whether it’s Sevier County High School, Pigeon Forge High School, Northview Academy, or Gatlinburg-Pittman High School—that we all show team sportsmanship both on and off the field.

How to Be a Good Team Player

First, try to keep in mind everyone on the team. It can be easy for everyone just to think about themselves. “I want to make the most goals.” “I want to be the person who scores the winning touchdown.” However, it’s important for us to teach our players that we win as a team, and we lose as a team.

Second, don’t leave your passion at the door. Instead, bring it with you! If your player isn’t happy being a part of the team and playing the sport, then why is he or she participating? Your player has to have heart for what he or she is participating in. Therefore, make sure your player is always bringing his or her passion to the game and having fun with the people around him or her.

Third, don’t forget to teach your child how to put in his or her best by working hard. Everyone has a talent, and everyone is replaceable. But, the players who keep trying and keep growing in their craft are the ones who continue to get noticed by the coaches. Therefore, teach your child the importance of hard work in the sport he or she plays. Plus, this hard work can lead to other future successes, such as making the grades for the college of his or her choice, when your student graduates and gets a “real” job, etc. You are building the foundation now for many things coming up in their future.

Also, it’s important to teach your child how to communicate well. If your child is feeling pressured, teach him or her how to speak up in a respectful way. In addition, you want to teach your child how to be open and honest with his or her teammates, as well as how to encourage one another. Everyone can have a bad day. But helping your child learn how to become the “encourager” of the group to really help build team morale, especially on the tough days, will be something he or she can take with them long after playing days are over.

And remember: these rules don’t only go for the players on the field. These rules of sportsmanship also go to the parents and fans in the crowd. It’s important that we all practice what we preach, and we teach these kids that—no matter who is winning, who is losing, what “bad” call was just made—that there still needs to be respect and sportsman-like conduct displayed by all.

Make sure your team player is ready for a competitive sports season this year by undergoing a sports physical to ensure his or her health is up for the game! Visit AFC Urgent Care Sevierville seven days a week for all of your player’s health and wellness needs.