June Is Men's Health Month! | Pigeon Forge, TN Walk-In Clinic

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville takes men’s health seriously, and in honor of Men’s Health Month this month, we want to make sure men do, too!

Man Up to A Healthier You!

Men are notorious for not wanting to go to the doctor. In fact, one study found that three times as many men than women report not having seen a doctor in the last year. There are plenty of reasons given for not seeing the doctor, including simply not thinking it’s necessary, not having health insurance and not having the time.

But just like your car needs regular maintenance, your body does, too. Regular checkups can help ensure you receive the age-appropriate screenings and immunizations you need. You’ll get your “oil changed and tires rotated,” so to speak!

There are other important aspects of your health to keep an eye on, including:

Family Medical History

Have you ever talked with your family members about their health? Chances are probably not, other than basic conversation about not feeling well or significant illnesses. But it’s important for you to have an accurate picture of the health issues your family members face. Knowing about conditions that are common in your family health tree will allow you and your doctor to formulate a strategy for preventing those conditions in your own life.

Body Fat

In the past, many people relied on body mass index, or BMI, to gauge their fitness and health. But in many cases, BMI doesn’t given an accurate picture of a person’s health. Because BMI is a calculation based only on height and weight, it doesn’t take bone mass, fat and muscle into account. This can lead to people being inaccurately categorized as overweight or even obese, when in actuality, they are healthy. To get a more accurate measure of your health, measure your waist circumference instead. For men, you want a waist circumference that’s less than 40 inches for optimal health.


A certain amount of stress is actually healthy. But when stress becomes overwhelming, it can have dangerous effects on your health. If you deal with chronic stress, you are at an increased risk of many health conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Find ways in your life to manage stress. Regular workouts, meditation and hobbies can all relieve stress. If you feel the stress is too much to handle, talk with your doctor about ways to reduce it.

Do you have a hard time making it to the doctor? We are open seven days a week to help work around your schedule. Visit AFC Urgent Care Sevierville for a wellness check today!