How Long Will Your Resolutions Last?

When many people make their resolutions for the new year, they do so while in the back of their mind thinking, “I wonder how long I will last this year?” Well, get yourself ready, because this year, you’re aiming for all 12 months!

Stick to Your Resolutions

The first question you need to ask yourself when it comes to your resolutions is this: Who exactly are you doing this for? If the answer is anyone other than yourself, then you’re already on the wrong track. You need to be striving to achieve these resolutions for yourself. You’ll be much more successful than if you were trying to change some area of your life for someone else.

Also, are your resolutions both clear and attainable? “I want to be happy in 2017.” Well, that’s wonderful—and definitely achievable—but not really clear. How are you going to find happiness? Do you just want to be happy in your career, personal life or both? Only stating “happy” as a resolution is a little too vague, and—therefore—can be easy to walk away from. Be sure to set clear resolutions for the year.

Don’t forget to make a note of any progress you make during your journey. Did you lose 10 pounds by February? Maybe you cooked more meals at home than eating out? Or, perhaps, you finally took a jump and put in a resume for a company you have been wanting to work for? Celebrate these milestones! They’ll help you push through the obstacles that may come in the future.

Are you considering starting a new exercise routine or diet to achieve your weight-loss resolutions this year? Talk to a physician at our urgent care center before beginning any new regimen to ensure your health is ready for the change.