How Can You Keep Up With Healthy Habits This Thanksgiving?

Can you believe that the Thanksgiving holiday is right around the corner? Whether you plan on staying home for the holiday season or you are traveling to visit loved ones, there is still an opportunity to keep your healthy habits going strong this Thanksgiving!

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville has some tips on how to make this Thanksgiving the healthiest one yet:

What Are the Benefits of Eating Breakfast on Thanksgiving?

Just as any other day, you want to make sure that you are starting off your Thanksgiving holiday with a good, healthy breakfast. When you eat breakfast, you are not only kickstarting your metabolism, but you are also lowering your chances of overeating throughout the day.

Good Breakfast Ideas

  • Eggs
  • Peanut butter
  • Whole grains
  • Greek yogurt
  • Oatmeal
  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Green tea

How Can You Incorporate Exercise Into Your Thanksgiving Day?

There is always time for exercise, even on Thanksgiving Day! You can start your holiday with a morning jog, or you can even have a family game of touch football while the turkey is cooking.

In addition, go for an evening stroll after dinner so that you can stop yourself from going back to the dessert table for seconds, as well as help your dinner digest. Plus, the fresh air will do you good!

Healthy Habits for Thanksgiving

  • Eat a balanced breakfast.
  • Pitch in and help with hosting the holiday.
  • Position yourself in a way you follow healthy habits.
  • Include a mixture of lean protein, veggies and other foods on your plate.
  • Savor every bite of food.
  • Make time for exercise.
  • Enjoy your time with family in other ways than sharing a meal.

Did you fall ill over the weekend? Visit our medical team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville for a diagnosis and treatment plan as soon as possible! We are open seven days a week.