Get in the 'Meal Planning' Zone!

Does this sound familiar? You have the best intentions to make your family a healthy meal each and every night. However, at the end of the day, the last thing you feel like doing is slaving away in the kitchen. Fortunately, there’s a way for you to provide healthy dinners for your family while avoiding spending hours in the kitchen to do so. The secret? Meal planning.

Start Planning

Think meal planning will be more stressful than helpful? Think again. Use these tips to help plan for better meals throughout the week.

Start by making one day a week your “meal planning” day. Whichever day you choose, set aside about an hour to look online for recipes, go through kitchen cabinets and the fridge to see what ingredients you need at the store, and even prep ingredients when possible.

You can even go with theme nights throughout the week (Taco Tuesday, “Leftover” Thursday, Italian Friday and so on). This can help you narrow down choices, while also adding variety to your weekly meals.

Finally, create a calendar, so that the entire family can see what’s for dinner during the week. This will help to eliminate questions about what’s on the menu as well as eliminate the need to come up with a meal idea after your busy day.

Also, to make things even easier, set your ingredients in the cabinet by meals, too. This way, you know where everything is for that dinner, and can just grab and cook!

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