Are Antibiotics Off-Limits If I Am Pregnant?

Expecting a new baby is such an exciting part of life. Building the crib, painting the nursery and watching your baby grow are all such fulfilling activities! Along with the excitement, however, comes the increased risk of illness.

If you are sick, seeking relief is usually at the top of your mind, but it needs to be done carefully in order to avoid any unpleasant side effects or risks. Antibiotics fall into the “sometimes OK” category. Read on to learn the facts about antibiotics from our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team.

Which Antibiotics Are Not Recommended?

As with any pregnancy, it is always a priority to protect you and your developing child. Antibiotics are a great tool, but sometimes they can pose significant developmental risks to your child. For example, antibiotics like tetracyclines can hinder your baby’s bone development, and sulfonamides can increase your baby’s risk of being born with a cleft lip.

Not all antibiotics are risky during pregnancy, though! Certain one have been tested and have been proven to pose minimal risk to you and your child. If you are given a prescription, it is important to follow the directions carefully and take the dosage exactly how it is prescribed to you.

Antibiotics Usually OK During Pregnancy

  • Penicillin
  • Cephalosporins
  • Clindamycin

Why Should I Take Antibiotics When I Am Pregnant?

There are so many changes that happen in your body when you are pregnant, and some of them include your immune system. It changes and can become weaker, making you more vulnerable to becoming ill and developing an infection.

Infections during pregnancy can be more dangerous and pose more risk to your baby. If you pass your infection onto your child in utero, you can go into early labor, suffer a stillbirth or it can cause lasting developmental issues upon your child. Antibiotics are a wonderful invention, but finding that safe balance of using them during pregnancy is crucial.

Safe Antibiotic Use During Pregnancy

  • Take the lowest dose needed.
  • Only take antibiotics if prescribed.
  • Avoid taking them in the first trimester, if possible.
  • NEVER use old antibiotics or someone else’s prescription.

Antibiotics are a great tool when used appropriately! If you think you need a prescription for an infection you have, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville.